Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Strange Little Visitor.
Yesterday afternoon I was coming downstairs when Erin suddenly called out, " Gross...what's that? Eww, It's coming inside"
OK. Something yuck is coming inside? What? Then I saw wasn't fast but it was a little unusual and it was heading inside. Here it is.
Would you have been just a little freaked out? Especially as I had JUST finished reading in the local paper that there were an unusual amount of "exotic" animals escaping and the S.P.C.A. was inundated with calls. I was convinced from my viewpoint off the stairs that this was a baby crocodile!
Dave came running when he heard us shouting and it turned out to be a little salamander...not a baby crocodile.
Erin was brave enough to take a couple of pictures but we let Dave do the honours of catching and releasing it!
That is my exciting news for the day!

1 comment:

The Hattons... said...

It looks like something out of an evolution text book. Not what I want grabbing my attention first thing in the morning ...