Monday, September 01, 2008

So I'm thinking three months isn't too bad, especially when I have VERY BIG NEWS.

Three months since I posted? Hard to believe, time really does fly. 
IS it REALLY September? 
Are the kids REALLY going back to school tomorrow?
Is it REALLY Christmas in  16 and a bit weeks??? (that's scary)

Now for some very BIGGGGG news about our family (some of you may have heard) Nope...not adopting again (not yet anyway :) ) and nope, I'm not pregnant. 
We will be moving.... nope not within Canada! Nope not to UK (although moving closer to my family would be awesome)
We are moving to AFRICA!
Oh my goodness, we are moving to SOUTH AFRICA in FALL of 2009!!
I will do another post which tells all the details of when and where and why and how. But I thought this would be a good jump start to my blog again. Do you agree?
Also another post will fill in with pictures about our summer and the incredibly fun time we all had.


Louise said...

what what what...details!!! How can you leave us hanging!!!

Corrie said...



Looking forward to seeing some pictures and some posts!!!


Anonymous said...

well I saw the title and totally thought you were adopting again. :) Wow, sounds awesome, can't wait to hear more.


Cathy said...

You're going to rock Africa!!

The Hattons... said...

It's about time you post and it's about time you finally share the big news!! Bye the way ... when's coffee?

Lesley said...

Haha Sheri
Coffee sounds great...miss you.
Hi Corrie,
Wish you were coming with us!
so happy that you are in our lives and supporting us every step of the way :)
I knew that you would be pumped :) More details coming soon.
HI! :) More news to come soooon I promise!

Anonymous said...

That's just amazing - you are certainly living your dreams. And what an experience for all of your kids!


Lisa, Pierre, Marika,Karelle, Yakim, Tarik and Zavier said...

I was also happy to see you post about this..... finaly.... just posting a comment now as I thought you had given up on your blog again LOL and wasn't checking it as often as I should have !!!!

Can't wait to get my first email from you from South Africa !!
