Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Joshua!!
It was Joshua's birthday last weekend. We started with a lovely breakfast of cinnamon buns and fruit. Dave then took Josh up to play tennis for an hour and we went for a "special" drink (aka strawberries and cream at Starbucks. Amazingly, Starbucks had not ordered enough cream and couldn't make his special drink :( A Stewarts limeade had to suffice :) )
After a delicious inside picnic of sandwiches and juice all spread out on Mexican blankets in the living room, we went out to Best Buy where Josh chose some new movies etc with his birthday money. Probably the highlight of the day though was heading into Vancouver for a birthday dinner and then onto one of  Stanley Parks beaches to play frisbee and light sparklers in the dark. Happy Birthday Joshua, you are an amazing and fabulous guy :) Love you soooooo much.
Here we are at the beach...


The Hattons... said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! Hope you got our card. :)

Great pictures. Looks like you had fun.

Lesley said...

Hi Sheri,
Joshua got your card and loved it AND especially LOVED the pictures from Miki!
Thanks on his behalf!