Happy Easter to all. I don't know whether you are Christians or even believe in God, but for us, as Christians, this is one of the most significant days of our year.
This is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
We had a great talk at church today that basically said if we don't believe that there ever was a resurrection, there is nothing to our faith. BUT and it is a big but, if we do, then we should be looking to see where we can be bringing that resurrection hope into our world now.
So, when we encounter injustice, intolerance, cruelty,misery and pain, we can be looking at how we can be bringing God's mercy, love,justice, peace and joy. Something to think about.
The kids had (or are having) a great day. Ayana and Moses had a blast at church, waving flags and dancing around to the music. When we got home, after a French toast with strawberries lunch (thanks Dave!) the kids all went on a treasure hunt to search for chocolate!
We kept hearing shrieks of delight as clues were found with little pieces of candy...Ayana and Moses couldn't believe their luck being fed with Easter Jelly Bellies as they followed their older siblings around the house.
Dave does wicked clues that even I have a bit of a hard time figuring out, so I am always impressed that th
Here they are at the beginning of the treasure hunt showing off the beautiful eggs that they decorated yesterday.
When they finally got all the clues, they were led to their Easter chocolate and a present for each of them.
Again, Ayana and Moses thought they had landed in Paradise as we gave them each a chocolate bunny. Ayana immediately sat down and started chomping on it, almost right through the silver paper.
They were not at all impressed when it was time for their naps and the other kids were still eating chocolate. Ayana cried and hung onto her bunny...we had to promise her the chocolate would still be there after her sleepy time. I lay down with her for a while and she sobbed and sobbed for a good ten minutes. I have to say it was quite funny, even though she was so sad. Have we created a chocoholic already?
So, that is our Easter this year. As I talked about in my last post, Easter 2006 was spent in vain hope that we would ever get a referral...and this year, here they are, laughing and dancing around at church, munching chocolate with their brother and sisters...isn't that so incredibly cool!
1 comment:
How exciting! And thank you for sharing the meaning behind Easter. It's not just about bunnies!
You got me all excited by the end of the post. Look forward to my first child-filled Easter next year. :)
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