Here is my mum (with Erin and Megan) visiting us from UK last September. She is healthy and vibrant and full of energy.
She returned back to UK with promises to soon return...we always miss her so much when she leaves. When she got back home, she called and said she had a good flight, she was settled in etc.
Imagine my horror when she phoned only three days later to say that she had been out walking her dog and they had been attacked by a boxer dog. It knocked my mum to the ground, bit her all over her arms and legs and also viciously attacked her little Schnauzer dog.
After being in the hospital to get checked out and tetanus shots etc, she seemed OK, although her back was really sore.
To cut a l.o.o.o.n.g. story short, (lots of tests, lots of bloodwork, lots of x-rays, an MRI scan, fainting episodes ) three weeks later she was still in agony and they discovered that she had actually broken her back!! (OK, don't even get me started on incompetent dr's. How does it take three weeks to find a broken back...????)
When she was knocked down by that s.t.u.p.i.d. dog, she broke her back!
Here we are in January, four months later and she is doing really well, she is up and mobile. She is still in pain with her back, but there is really nothing they can do about that now. She goes to a chiropractor/physio, she has regular checkups etc, but her back will always be a bit stiff and sore.
Oh, and the dog? The one that attacked my mum and her dog? Well, after she heard that the owners were still letting it run around without a leash (even though legally they had to muzzle it after it had attacked), she actually got the police involved and charged the guy. I'm still waiting to hear what comes of that.
So, she's alright, she's doing very well.
In fact, she has just been on the phone and telling me about a conference she will be speaking at in China in April and making plans to come out and visit us before we leave for Africa. She is a strong and brave woman.
"Three cheers for my mum! Hooray...."
WOW Leslie.. that is some story.. i'm glad to hear that she is doing ok....
LOVE that you are posting again !!! did I mention that before !
I love your mom. I know, I'm supposed to say I love you, but I love your mom.... because she makes you so happy and she's been such a wonderful lady to help make you be the wonderful lady that you are.
Hopefully your mom will continue to improve. I love your mom.
Awww, thank you.
And thanks for saying I'm a wonderful lady:)
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